An invitation to contribute to a book edition with Springer-Nature

Libros. Foto de George Milton, en Pexels

Avelino Núñez Delgado, one of our associates, extends an invitation to contribute to the edition of a book that could be published by the Springer-Nature publishing house, within the book series «Environmental Challenges and Solutions». Several of our colleagues are part of the editorial board and the scientific direction of the book series.

Although a representative of Springer-Nature will eventually evaluate the proposals for new books, any interested party can initially contact the scientific editor by writing to or any of the editorial board members. In the case of addressing board members who are not Spanish, it is preferable to use English as the language of communication.

About the book series and the topics

The book series «Environmental Challenges and Solutions» aims to improve our understanding of the Earth’s most critical environmental challenges, and how we might more effectively solve or at least mitigate these challenges.

The editorial board is welcoming proposals specifically on the following topics (although open to others that could be proposed by potential editors):

-Environmental sciences and social aspects
-Environmental sciences and human conflicts
-Boosting de-carbonization of energy system to face climate and economic emergency
-Climate emergency and health: sources, science-based analysis, and global solutions
-Indoor and outdoor chemicals, environmental quality and public health in a changing world
-Demographic, climate and environmental change: evidence and recommendation for global sustainability
-Technological, industrial, and corporate change  for  supporting environmental and social sustainability
-Nanotechnology applied to water decontamination/purification processes
-Sorbents and other materials in environmental protection
-Raw materials supply and circular economy
-Strategies to boost clean mobility